You were quite right. It now built perfectly on the build-server A couple of missing dependencies and a few macros missing... Gettings smarter all the time (thankfully). Thanks a million for your help. Now I'll think about planning to become a super-duper package submitter... /Martin. ----- "Marcus Hüwe" <> wrote:
On 2007-09-25 01:01:28 +0200, Martin Møller wrote:
I think you're referring to #326970? This is a packaging bug and not a BuildService bug so it belongs to the list or to this one (personally I would prefer opensuse-packaging). I just had a look at your gizmod package - I attached a small patch (+ some comments) for your spec file. If you apply this patch to your spec file you should be able to build gizmod in the BS. If you have question don't hesitate to ask:)
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