Hi, from now on, we will send each tuesday the current state of the openSUSE build service development to the list. This will include more than what we track on our news page in the wiki like current open issues and current tasks we do work on. Additionaly Klaas Freitag joined the Build Service team as architect. Welcome Klaas, maybe you want to introduce yourself and your goals a bit :) Status updates: * Build Service Development roadmap discussion between Michael, Klaas and Adrian with an agreement for the next 4-6 month. A version to publish is WIP (AI: adrian). * Improve source handling. We want to improve our source handling and also the cooperation possibilities within the OBS. And last but not least allow easy and transparent source changes/additions to openSUSE:Factory. Klaas posted already a concept paper for the server side, to be discussed on opensuse-buildservice@opensuse.org * We want to improve the security of the generated repositories of the OBS. It should become possible to destinguish between projects via the used gpg signing key. We will have a local meeting to discuss possible concepts with the SUSE security people. * Andreas Bauer diged into the memory leak problems of ruby/rails/OBS happens on api.opensuse.org . A final fix does not exist, but a workaround should protect us from downtimes in the future. * api.o.o will get deployed to a new version tomorrow as well, it will esp. include the larger updates from Thomas Scholz improving the build flag handlings. General updates: * Server move / down time of the backend of the build service will happen tomorrow as announced. * The Build Service will use the e-mail adresses stored within the Novell Account database. * some discussions about general hardware re-organisation and requirements for next year. please add stuff I missed (or wrote incorrectly), AJ will repost this as general openSUSE status tomorrow on opensuse-project. bye adrian -- Adrian Schroeter SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) email: adrian@suse.de --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+help@opensuse.org