On 23.03.2012 18:23, Carlos Ribeiro wrote:
Hello Thomas,
some comments that I have after a quickly look at the new software-search part of obs are:
- Office: Looking at the apps inside "Office" I believe the word Productivity make sense too, maybe "Office& Productivity"
- The name "openSUSE Apps", Humm I don't know another name, but as we have a advance icon that allow users to search apps for other distros like CentOS, RH, ... maybe to have a more general name instead of "openSUSE Apps" makes more sense, openStore, openApps, openShop, I don't know, this is just some suggestion, also having an more general name could bring more users from other projects and distros. My vision is pretty similar with what has happened with openSUSE Build Service that has changed to open Build Service.
We must differentiate between the package search and the appstore-like category browsing. The search is searching the whole obs and gets results from all distributions that are build there, so it's not openSUSE specific, although the default search distribution is openSUSE 12.1 which can be changed in the search options. The app browsing is based on appstream data that is currently only generated for openSUSE Factory, and so it is openSUSE specific. When more distributions support it (for example 12.2) we need to see how to present this. Maybe as seperate appstores per distribution, or merged and show he available versions in the app lists.
- maybe Education and Science instead of a Education alone. I'm thinking about some medical and some sientific apps. Where to include it? I don't know, and maybe is not necessary too.
The app browsing startpage needs design work anyway, what's currently online is a first draft from me. I changed the headlines as you suggested.
- I see xsane as office or productivity or even Tools instead of Multimedia, of course can be inside multimedia too, but I really believe that makes more sense for office or productivity.
The app browser just shows what the obs provides. So if a package is in the wrong category please check back with the package maintainer so he can fix this. (To get the maintainer of a package you can use for example: osc maintainer openSUSE:Factory xsane) Greetings -- Thomas Schmidt (tom [at] opensuse.org) openSUSE Boosters Team "Don't Panic", Douglas Adams (11.03.1952 - 11.05.2001) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+owner@opensuse.org