2007/9/16, Adrian Schröter <adrian@suse.de>:
On Sunday 16 September 2007 13:01:53 wrote Ciro Iriarte:
2007/9/16, Adrian Schröter <adrian@suse.de>: ...
I personally would like to have this clarified by a general policy about non-free software. I can imagine a setup like having one repository (for example openSUSE:Factory:Non-Free project), where we can host non-free stuff (but only there).
The idea is to make it available to build other packages with the BS that depends on it, not to redistribute the client (as it's not allowed). That's why i'm asking about the publish/don't publish feature.
Yes, I understand this, but it is practicall still downloadable for everybody with a Novell/openSUSE Account, which can be created by everybody.
Oh, didn't realize it...
The biggest problem here is that we need to check non-OSI compliant licenses individually with our legal team.
I will discuss this topic next week with the legal team. I would prefer if we can include the oracle client in Factory-Non-Free (aka Extra) and import this tree (together with the other non-free stuff like Java) into the build service.
However, this will happen after 10.3 for sure.
Please do not upload the oracle client for now, I would have to remove it right now due to our current policy.
I added a package (oracle-instanclient-nosrc) without sources to see if the BS can generate nosrc packages, but it just complains about the missing sources...
There are no binaries from oracle there: http://build.opensuse.org/package/show?project=home%3Aciriarte&package=orac le-instanclient-nosrc
If i'm allowed to build binary packages using the "don't publish flag", i'll add it as "oracle-instanclient".
please wait one further week, I will report back to the ml, what we can do here in future. I would like to get a real policy and process in general here, since it is more less the same as with java and similar software.
Thanks for the interest.
bye adrian
Adrian Schroeter SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) email: adrian@suse.de
Regards, Ciro