Em [DATE], "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> escreveu:
usually the scheduler is not running for this architecture
you may want to check your /monitor page for missing services For reference:
Hmmm my monitor page shows active processes for deltastore, armv7l, i586, x86_64, dispatcher, publisher, signer, warden and dodup. OpenSUSE’s show me extra processes, like repserver, service and srcserver. When I trigger rebuild from the UI or OSC I see it arriving on rep_server.log but I see this on the corresponding scheduler log: -home:Admin/SLE_11_SP4 Repository ‘SUSE:SLE-11-SP4/standard’ is unavailable And this repeats for all the repositories I have. The weird thing is, the repositories are populated, have a :full.solv file, and work when I ask for a local build via OSC. However, I have five workers that refuse to work. How can I whip them into working? :P -- — Erico Mendonça Dedicated Support Engineer SUSE