On Wednesday 12 April 2006 19:16, Michael Schroeder wrote:
Suse already defines a "suse_version" macro which you can use (even in the build service), but it is a bit different from the one you use: it contains an extra digit for "beta" versions.
We can define some macros for fedora and the other distributions if they don't have macros like this.
Maybe interesting: the buildsystems dar and pydar2 always use a macro 'dist'. This macro can have a variable like 'rh7', 'el4' or 'fc5'. An example: the buildsys uses a command like: rpmbuild -ba --define='dist fc5' some.spec. A spec file can use this macro directly or it can contain a line like: %{?dist: %{expand: %%define %dist 1}} Then you can use stuff like: %{?fc4:BuildRequires: gettext-devel} or %{?fc4:BuildRequires: gcc-gfortran} %{!?fc4:BuildRequires: gcc-g77} or %{?el3:%define _without_gamin 1} %{?fc2:%define _without_gamin 1} %{?fc1:%define _without_gamin 1} ... %{?_without_gamin:BuildRequires: fam-devel} %{!?_without_gamin:BuildRequires: gamin-devel} => new version of distro automatically uses the gamin-devel buildreq. It's just to give you an idea how it's done in other build systems. kind regards, Dries -- Rpm packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora Core and Aurora at http://dries.ulyssis.org/rpm/