On Fri, 2015-02-13 at 09:23 +0100, Adrian Schröter wrote:
On Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015, 22:32:45 wrote Matthew Drobnak:
This is what I ended up doing mkdir /obs/imports MNTDIR=/obs/imports mount -o ro,loop $SRCDIR/os131.iso /obs/imports
mkdir /srv/obs/build/openSUSE:13.1/standard/x86_64/t
cp -p $MNTDIR/suse/noarch/*.rpm /srv/obs/build/openSUSE:13.1/standard/x86_64/t
cp -p $MNTDIR/suse/x86_64/*.rpm /srv/obs/build/openSUSE:13.1/standard/x86_64/t
chown -R obsrun:obsrun /srv/obs/build/openSUSE:13.1/standard/x86_64/t mv /srv/obs/build/openSUSE:13.1/standard/x86_64/t /srv/obs/build/openSUSE:13.1/standard/x86_64/:full
obs_admin --rescan-repository openSUSE:13.1 standard x86_64
Anything missing, or is it this simple? I have built a few packages against this project, and it seems to have worked fine.
fine :)
You just want to check later on, if there remains any old imported package. You should remove them, rescan again and see if anything breaks because some packages may still be missing.
Just out of curiosity, what do you want to achieve? Comparing the build results?
Or do you plan to build a modified version of openSUSE?
We moved from the OBS appliance to trying to do two things: Split things out to be more scalable Be more easily repeatable in our environment As a result, I have been working on AutoYAST and puppet to get things set up in a quick and repeatable way. I am making progress on it. So far we have the MySQL server separated, and we have 3 workers and have shut the worker on the front-end box off. I have a second front-end box spun up, and the repo / publish services point to the original box. All mostly works. I plan on creating an OBS module and publishing it to the puppetforge when done and cleaned up. We are seeing some delays with OBS picking up that builds are finished before publishing them. I also notice that I have no logs on the workers. Any tips for troubleshooting this? (I can create a separate thread if you'd like.) Thanks for your help. -Matt