On 2008-07-07 10:56:49 +0200, Adrian Schröter wrote:
On Monday 07 July 2008 10:33:21 Christian wrote:
Hi Adrian,
have a look inside obs-api-0.9.1. I upgraded my local obs to 0.9.99. Then I wanted to create a new package "osc meta pkg -e home:Admin gpg". I could edit the meta information, but after saving it could not be uploaded to api (error 500). I frontent log I found
What does
grep SCHEMA_LOCATION /srv/www/obs/./frontend/config/environments/production_slave.rb
grep rails_mode /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/obs.conf
say ?
Processing SourceController#package_meta (for at 2008-07-06 21:27:12) [PUT] Parameters: {"project"=>"home:Admin", "action"=>"package_meta", "package"=>"gpg", "controller"=>"source"} checking schema map for controller 'source', action 'package_meta' schema_file: package
RuntimeError (Suse::Validation: unable to read schema file '/srv/www/docs/api/frontend/package.rng' or .xsd: file not found): /lib/opensuse/validator.rb:127:in `initialize' /lib/opensuse/validator.rb:50:in `new' /lib/opensuse/validator.rb:50:in `validate_incoming_xml'
Btw. it seems that the validation is broken since r1898. I don't know if this is intended or happened by accident. Anyway I attached a patch for this (note this might cause some problems because the schemata seem to be very strict). Marcus