On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Marcus Hüwe wrote:
On 2009-03-17 14:45:13 +0100, Andreas Vetter wrote:
My questions: 1. Is the 678f1fc6 created by OBS? 2. Is it my responsibility to create a key for my OBS account? How?
The key is automatically generated by the obs (one key for each project).
3. Is it my responsibility to publish the key?
It's up to you (or anyone else) to publish this key but unless someone explicitly uploads it, it won't be added to the keyserver.
4. Is it just the wrong key server?
Btw the key can be found here http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/asvetter:/Shibboleth2:/Servi...
Thank you. Should the message be changed? It includes a reference to pgp.mit.edu: - If the key is missing, install it first. For example, do the following: gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 678f1fc6 gpg --armor --export 678f1fc6 > /home/vetter/keyfile-678f1fc6 and, as root: rpm --import /home/vetter/keyfile-678f1fc6 -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, Andreas Vetter Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik Fakultaet fuer Physik und Astronomie Universitaet Wuerzburg