I'm trying to remove myself from the list of users of package and receive a 500 server error. This is the URL I'm calling (logged in as 'lnt-sysadmin'): https://build.opensuse.org/package/remove_role/server:database/mysqltuner?us... It looks like the request is still processed. Best regards, Joschi Brauchle On 10/27/2014 07:54 AM, Joschi Brauchle wrote:
to whom it may concern: the search page on build.o.o is currently broken (returning 500, internal server error) and has done so quite frequently last week.
Also I recall that the search seems to not support string with hyphens, like "perl-macros" or anything like that. It used to not return any results for such a search. Unfortunately I cannot test if thats still true due to the 500 error...