Hello, when adding a build target (say "SUSE:SL-10.0/standard") I can enter a name for that target. Browsing around on software.opensuse.org, I found several different names for the same distribution: - SL10.0 - SuLi100 - SUSE_Linux_10.0 This is not very user-frendly. I think the naming should be more standardized - at least in a soft way: When choosing something in the "Platform" dropdown, the "Name" field should be filled with the name of the selected Platform as default. In case someone builts on top of another project (like a package for KDE4 on SL 10.1), the default should be the underlying distribution (here: SL 10.1). Opinions? Regards, Christian Boltz --
I was already 21 when color tv got introduced in Germany... Old Fart, ain't cha? <grin>.... Oh no. Linux is keeping you young, and OpenSUSE even can make younger. SUSE people, please tell this your marketing team. ;-)) [Eberhard Moenkeberg and > Patrick Shanahan in opensuse]