Hello list, since a few weeks I have many problems with SSL timeouts when connecting to the OBS with osc. It happens in different stages with every osc command that connects to the Build Service (co, up, build, etc.). Sometimes it works flawless, but often I have to interrupt it and retry it. It fails multiple times until it works. It makes no difference if it is a POST or a GET request and the stage in that it times out changes from try to try. A current example; user@host:~/repos> osc -v -d build openSUSE_Tumbleweed --no-verify --clean makeurl: https://api.opensuse.org ['source', 'home:buschmann23:weblate', '_meta'] [] GET https://api.opensuse.org/source/home:buschmann23:weblate/_meta makeurl: https://api.opensuse.org ['source', 'home:buschmann23:weblate', 'weblate'] cmd=getprojectservices POST https://api.opensuse.org/source/home:buschmann23:weblate/weblate?cmd=getproj... Building weblate.spec for openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_64 Getting buildinfo from server and store to /home/buschmann/Dokumente/Entwicklung/Build Service/home:buschmann23:weblate/weblate/.osc/_buildinfo-openSUSE_Tumbleweed-x86_64.xml makeurl: https://api.opensuse.org ['build', 'home:buschmann23:weblate', 'openSUSE_Tumbleweed', 'x86_64', 'weblate', '_buildinfo'] [] POST https://api.opensuse.org/build/home:buschmann23:weblate/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/... Any idea how I can try to investigate this issue? Can the problem be related to my ISP that uses IPv6 with DS-Lite? I never have this problems when using the same setup on another location with pure IPv4 addresses. Best greetings Matthias Fehring -- Das Gesetz hat zum Schneckengang verdorben, was Adlerflug geworden wäre. (Friedrich Schiller - Die Räuber) www.buschmann23.de GPG-Key: 3A70A936614C3258 GPG Fingerprint: D786 DDF8 4CA9 00BC CDE0 9A5F CCC5 125D 6E87 D4FC