On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 11:18:08 +0200 Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> wrote:
I ecountered a problem on our local OBS instance. I made an upload to the remote instance.
The local instance is linked to our official projects. It seems the local instace has downloaded the remote changes.
But now all packages are just scheduled on the local instance.
All current build workers are idling.
What can I do to start the build process? Which logs should I check?
The dispatcher says for example badhost event: ....
I had exactly the same situation on my own build server and on Packman's PMBS - which share some of the workers. I updated my own build server to the latest 2.7 package several days ago, and noticed, that some workers then were unable to build their assigned packages. I did not dig in deep, but it seemed to me, as if all build failures were logged for PMBS build request, which had not been on the latest 2.7. Yesterday I updated PMBS to the latest obs 2.7.4-1.19, and since then the badhost events have reduced to some workers exclusive to PMBS. I suggest you try updating your server and have a look at any improvements... Greetings, Stefan -- Stefan Botter zu Hause Bremen