Hi, Having not used OBS Website / osc for a while, yesterday I updated a project and when building with osc for Raspbian_12 armv7l I received the following output:- mgrantprg@horace:osc build -k /home/mgrantprg/SWDev/oscbuilder/Raspbian_12/armv7l/built-pkgs -p /home/mgrantprg/SWDev/oscbuilder/Raspbian_12/armv7l/tmp-pkg-cache Raspbian_12 armv7ll WARNING: native compile is not possible, a emulator via binfmt misc handler must be configured! Building agmaint-Raspbian_12.dsc for Raspbian_12/armv7l Using local file: agmaint-Raspbian_12.dsc Scanning the following dirs for local preferred packages: /home/mgrantprg/SWDev/oscbuilder/Raspbian_12/armv7l/tmp-pkg-cache Getting buildconfig from server and store to /home/mgrantprg/SWDev/Projects/Packaging/OBS/home:m-grant-prg/agmaint/.osc/_buildconfig-Raspbian_12-armv7l Getting buildinfo from server and store to /home/mgrantprg/SWDev/Projects/Packaging/OBS/home:m-grant-prg/agmaint/.osc/_buildinfo-Raspbian_12-armv7l.xml buildinfo is broken... it says: unresolvable: vminstalls: nothing provides kernel-obs-build I'm afraid I have no idea when this problem really cropped up. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Mark