On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 05:32:02PM -0500, Paul Elliott wrote:
Is it possible to have different control files for different debian platforms?
I have a package that has a Build-requires dependancy of libboost-dev for most debian platforms, however, xUbuntu 9.04 wants this to be libboost1.35-dev.
Is it possible to have a control-xUbuntu_9.04 file the same way you can have a foo-Fedora_Extras_6.spec for rpm based distributions?
What is the best way to handle this?
I don't think you can ifdef a debian control file the way you can a rpm spec file.
Thank You.
In "Build Service/prjconf" http://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service/prjconf I find: Substitute Packages get renamed or are named different for different distributions. You can specify per repository dependency rewrite rules. %if 0%{?suse_version} Substitute: Canna-libs canna-libs %endif %if 0%{?fedora_version} Substitute: canna-libs Canna-libs %endif On openSUSE, the package is named "canna-libs", so replace all requirements for "Canna-libs" to "canna-libs" - and vice versa for Fedora. Could I use this feature to do a substitute of libboost1.35-dev for libboost-dev only for xUbuntu 9.04? Is there an "%if" expression for the ubuntu and debian versions? How are they named? That is, how do I write the following psudo-code formally? if (ubumtu 9.04) then Substitute: libboost1.35-dev libboost-dev endif Could I put an "Required:" statement inside such a conditional scructure? How do I write the following psudo-code formally? if (debian_based distribution) then Required: build-essential endif If this could be written it might be the solution to this bug! : https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=471298 Thank You. -- Paul Elliott 1(512)837-1096 pelliott@BlackPatchPanel.com PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J http://www.free.blackpatchpanel.com/pme/ Austin TX 78758-3117