Hi y'all, as it occured several times already, there seem to be some misconceptions about source services for the Build Service. Recently, it seemed to became fashionable to replace each and every package tarball with a download service pointing to some URL. As by most commit messages, people seem to be believe that some magic update logic will happen once upstream releases a new tarball. Just to make this clear, this won't happen! The only thing that changes is that the source tarball is not stored alongside your spec but downloaded on-demand instead (speak, with every rebuild). And it is not (yet) cached and you still have to update stuff (by changing that URL). As a packager, you have to download the tarball anyways because you want to look at new documentation files or update your local patches. However, this may make sense if you use it together with some more source services (like re-packaging or checksum checks), but I consider it unfriendly to change someone else's packages to use source services without asking. Please don't do that. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sascha Peilicke http://saschpe.wordpress.com