Ant��nio Medeiros changed bug 1094255
What Removed Added

Comment # 3 on bug 1094255 from
I can confirm this bug affects also openSUSE Leap 15.0 with bluez 5.48 and
pulseaudio 11.1.

Recently, I bought an SSD and made a clean openSUSE Leap 15.0 install with
GNOME Desktop. My laptop is an Acer Aspire E15 with a built-in Bluetooth 4.0
namely Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth 4.0 (ID 04ca:3014).

It's true that it needs some tweak to work, here is what I did when I used Leap
42.3 on my old HDD:

(from a clean openSUSE Leap 15.0 install, there is no need to install the
latest kernel, just blacklisting the acer_wmi module, updating the initramfs
and rebooting is enough)

But after I got my Bluetooth adapter working, I was not able to pair with my
headset (Philips SHB3060) using the A2DP profile. Using Blueman, when I tried
to change my headset to the A2DP profile, I got this:

"Failed to change profile to a2dp_sink"

I asked for help on the mailing list, people helped me to solve it:

I found a workaround here:

You need to prevent GDM from starting its own instance of PulseAudio:

1) Prevent Pulseaudio clients from automatically starting a server if
one is not running by adding the following:

$ su
# nano /var/lib/gdm/.config/pulse/client.conf

(new file with the following contents)

autospawn = no
daemon-binary = /bin/true

2) Prevent systemd from starting Pulseaudio anyway with socket activation:

# sudo -ugdm mkdir -p /var/lib/gdm/.config/systemd/user
# sudo -ugdm ln -s /dev/null

3) Restart, and check that there is no Pulseaudio process for the gdm user.

Now I'm able to pair with my headset and switch to the A2DP profile.

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