http://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1176304 http://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1176304#c20 --- Comment #20 from Neil Rickert <nwr10cst-oslnx@yahoo.com> --- There is something broken about the initial release of 15.3 alpha. I installed using the DVD (installed to a virtual machine only). After the install, I tried: zypper dup -D It wants to install 43 new packages, remove 25 packages, and downgrade 1555 packages. Evidently the DVD image is out of sync with the repos. I enabled the DVD as a repo, and after that most of those problems disappeared. I think "zypper dup" wants to remove 2 packages (related to yast2 translations), but it doesn't want to do any of the other stuff. I didn't open a bug report about this because it is early in the 15.3 schedule. But until the DVD and the repos are in sync, we should expect problems such as you saw. As an example, the system that I installed is using kernel 5.3.18-39-default, while the repos apparently want to use kernel kernel-default-5.3.18-22.2. Your network image probably matches the DVD, but does not match the install image in the repos. Incidentally, I just disable the non-oss update repo. It is typical for that to not be properly initialized at this early stage in the release cycle. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug.