Bug ID: 1229933 Summary: encfs segfaults in recent snapshots Classification: openSUSE Product: openSUSE Tumbleweed Version: Current Hardware: x86-64 OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed Status: NEW Severity: Major Priority: P5 - None Component: Basesystem Assignee: Reporter: QA Contact: Target Milestone: --- Found By: --- Blocker: --- Went back to a snapshot of yesterday is the same; last week it worked Trying to mount an encrypted folder with: encfs -v ~/Documents/.secure ~/Documents/secure Segmentation fault (core dumped) core dumped: journalctl -xef SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=systemd-coredump Aug 30 09:22:15 localhost.localdomain systemd-coredump[8421]: [🡕] Process 8419 (encfs) of user 1000 dumped core. Stack trace of thread 8419: #0 0x00007faf166abacc _ZN8tinyxml211XMLDocument8IdentifyEPcPPNS_7XMLNodeEb ( + 0xcacc) #1 0x00007faf166af99d _ZN8tinyxml27XMLNode9ParseDeepEPcPNS_7StrPairEPi ( + 0x1099d) #2 0x00007faf166af64f _ZN8tinyxml211XMLDocument5ParseEPKcm ( + 0x1064f) #3 0x00007faf1678a7b7 _ZN5encfs9XmlReader4loadEPKc ( + 0x627b7) #4 0x00007faf16778332 _ZN5encfs12readV6ConfigEPKcPNS_11EncFSConfigEPNS_10ConfigInfoE ( + 0x50332) #5 0x00007faf167765f3 _ZN5encfs15readConfig_loadEPNS_10ConfigInfoEPKcPNS_11EncFSConfigE ( + 0x4e5f3) #6 0x00007faf16776a18 _ZN5encfs10readConfigERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEPNS_11EncFSConfigES7_ ( + 0x4ea18) #7 0x00007faf167843e5 _ZN5encfs6initFSEPNS_13EncFS_ContextERKSt10shared_ptrINS_10EncFS_OptsEE ( + 0x5c3e5) #8 0x00005636994d9a91 main (encfs + 0x5a91) #9 0x00007faf1602a340 __libc_start_call_main ( + 0x2a340) #10 0x00007faf1602a409 __libc_start_main_impl ( + 0x2a409) #11 0x00005636994dbd75 _start (encfs + 0x7d75) ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64 ░░ Subject: Process 8419 (encfs) dumped core ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: ░░ Documentation: man:core(5) ░░ ░░ Process 8419 (encfs) crashed and dumped core. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug.