Vincent Untz - 15:06 21.12.10 wrote:
Le mardi 21 décembre 2010, à 14:47 +0100, Michal Hrusecky a écrit :
Collaboration from the packagers point of view.
Starts with a short talk. General talk about what boring stuff we are doing during packaging, where is work duplicated and some proposals about how it can work in the ideal world. Talk will mention sharing downstream patches, package names unification/mapping, Lubos's obs-generator and OpenEmbedded as an example of possible ultimate goal. Hopefully the rest of the session would be discussion around these topics with interested people.
Is this a talk where you'd say "here's what we can do", or "here's what we did, please join"?
I'd love to do the latter. And maybe we could do a milestone on that?
Currently "here's what we can do", "here is what OpenEmbedded does", and "here is what I am doing, and how I plan to do things, join me or propose something better". -- Michal HRUSECKY SUSE LINUX, s.r.o openSUSE Boosters Team Lihovarska 1060/12 PGP 0xFED656F6 19000 Praha 9 mhrusecky[at]suse.cz Czech Republic http://michal.hrusecky.net http://www.suse.cz