Well I have made some progress. I found the driver that my network card needed. I just had it set under another name which didn't help too much. So I have my network card working so I can access the net. Still have no sound though. I tried to configure the sound card but it keeps saying that an error has occurred and I should check to see if Alsa is properly installed. So I installed a whole swack of soudn stuff including alsa but it didn't seem to help the problem. What can I do to fix this. Another question I have is I figured out how to send email but how the heck do I receive messages. And how do I subscribe to and read newsgroups? I was also wondering if there is a good icq port for linux. I love this OS a lot and am really glad that I spent the ccash to buy it. I am trying to rig it so all the stuff I do under windows is available under linux. This way I don't have to use windows except in rare cases where things don't work under linux yet. I like linux because I can work more quickly and the system never crashes so I don't have to reboot all the time which I find very annoying with windows. I figure once I get everything set up it will be very good. Oh, and another thing I just thought of. How do I make blinux show the braille cursor as just dots 7 and 8 blinking instead of a full braille cell? Thanks a lot for your support and patience and understanding and thanks for taking the time to help a poor newbie out. I have learned quite a bit in the short time that I have been using linux and I will keep finding things to read and play with it a bit more. At least my internet access works under linux now so I can look up info a little easier. A very happy linux newbie, Dave Csercsics

Hi Dave! On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Dave Csercsics wrote:
Well I have made some progress. I found the driver that my network card needed. I just had it set under another name which didn't help too much. So I have my network card working so I can access the net.
Sounds good ;-).
Still have no sound though. I tried to configure the sound card but it keeps saying that an error has occurred and I should check to see if Alsa is properly installed. So I installed a whole swack of soudn stuff including alsa but it didn't seem to help the problem. What can I do to fix this.
Please send me the output of the following command: lsmod I'm using a soundblaster live too, but I hadn't this problems during installation. Perhaps everything works, if I send you my alsa configurationfile...
Another question I have is I figured out how to send email but how the heck do I receive messages.
You can receive messages with fetchmail and sendmail sends your written messages. See man fetchmail for more details. Sendmail is a very complex pacage. See also the manpages and the following files, witch should be adjusted with xour mailspecific data: /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail.rc.config /etc/mail/genericstable After editing this files, you have to run SuSEconfig to update the system with your new settings. If you have trouble with the configuration, I'll try to help you.
And how do I subscribe to and read newsgroups?
pine is a good mailer an I use it also for reading and sending news, but there are many other programms. For example tinn is a very popular newsreader. Now it depends on you, if you want to use an local newsserver witch receives and sends your subscribed newsgroups or if xou want to use a server on the internet. For example leafenode is very good offline newsserver, wich has many more features.
I was also wondering if there is a good icq port for linux.
I'm useing licq wich is on the distri or micq. They are very good to handle with SBL.
How do I make blinux show the braille cursor as just dots 7 and 8 blinking instead of a full braille cell?
You have to setup this for every application and for bash. Just take a look into the directory /usr/lib/suse-blinux/profile Heere are the profiles for SBL. If you want a blinking cursor wich is no full braille cell open the profile for wich you want to setup this and change the following entries: blockcsr=0 0 shows only dots 7 and 8, 1 the whole braille cell. csrblink=1 1 shows a blinking, 0 a normal cursor. I hope some of my tips are helpfull for you. Just aks, if you had more questions or if something was not really clear to your ;-). Best regards and have fun with linux, Schoeppi --------- SuSE-Blinux Support Christian Schöpplein <schoeppi@suse.de> Tel.: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480 www: http://www.blinux.suse.de

I found that the output of the lsmod command was that bash couldn't find that command. Very strange. I will look for that ICQ program...do you know which series of packages it is in? I imagine that there is an irc client with suse as well but I haven't found it yet since I haven't really looked at the thousands of packages. I would like to read the newsgroups that my isp has on its news server. When I installed pine it asked me for the name of my news server. So I gave it that but I could not figure out how to get it to download a list of the newsgroups so that I could subscribe to the ones I like. I find that odd that you got your sb live to work and mine wouldn't. Thanks again for helping me out with this. It is really exciting to work with linux and use all these neat programs and never have to worry about the system crashing or not being able to use some program because some stupid company hasn't figured out how tro read the stupid graphics that some programmer put in. Speaking of fetchmail I am amazed at how fast it gets your mail. On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
Hi Dave!
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Dave Csercsics wrote:
Well I have made some progress. I found the driver that my network card needed. I just had it set under another name which didn't help too much. So I have my network card working so I can access the net.
Sounds good ;-).
Still have no sound though. I tried to configure the sound card but it keeps saying that an error has occurred and I should check to see if Alsa is properly installed. So I installed a whole swack of soudn stuff including alsa but it didn't seem to help the problem. What can I do to fix this.
Please send me the output of the following command:
I'm using a soundblaster live too, but I hadn't this problems during installation. Perhaps everything works, if I send you my alsa configurationfile...
Another question I have is I figured out how to send email but how the heck do I receive messages.
You can receive messages with fetchmail and sendmail sends your written messages. See
man fetchmail
for more details. Sendmail is a very complex pacage. See also the manpages and the following files, witch should be adjusted with xour mailspecific data:
/etc/rc.config.d/sendmail.rc.config /etc/mail/genericstable
After editing this files, you have to run SuSEconfig to update the system with your new settings. If you have trouble with the configuration, I'll try to help you.
And how do I subscribe to and read newsgroups?
pine is a good mailer an I use it also for reading and sending news, but there are many other programms. For example tinn is a very popular newsreader. Now it depends on you, if you want to use an local newsserver witch receives and sends your subscribed newsgroups or if xou want to use a server on the internet. For example leafenode is very good offline newsserver, wich has many more features.
I was also wondering if there is a good icq port for linux.
I'm useing licq wich is on the distri or micq. They are very good to handle with SBL.
How do I make blinux show the braille cursor as just dots 7 and 8 blinking instead of a full braille cell?
You have to setup this for every application and for bash. Just take a look into the directory
Heere are the profiles for SBL. If you want a blinking cursor wich is no full braille cell open the profile for wich you want to setup this and change the following entries:
0 shows only dots 7 and 8, 1 the whole braille cell.
1 shows a blinking, 0 a normal cursor.
I hope some of my tips are helpfull for you. Just aks, if you had more questions or if something was not really clear to your ;-).
Best regards and have fun with linux, Schoeppi
--------- SuSE-Blinux Support Christian Sch�pplein <schoeppi@suse.de> Tel.: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480 www: http://www.blinux.suse.de

Hi Dave! Very nice, your sendmail seems to work ;-) !!! On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Dave Csercsics wrote:
I found that the output of the lsmod command was that bash couldn't find that command. Very strange.
That's really strange... Did you try it as root? A normal user can't execute this command.
I will look for that ICQ program...do you know which series of packages it is in? I imagine that there is an irc client with suse as well but I haven't found it yet since I haven't really looked at the thousands of packages.
licq and ircii ar in serie N. micq ins'nt on the distribution, but you can find it on http://freshmeat.net Just search for micq...
I would like to read the newsgroups that my isp has on its news server. When I installed pine it asked me for the name of my news server. So I gave it that but I could not figure out how to get it to download a list of the newsgroups so that I could subscribe to the ones I like.
Just try it with leafenode, its the better way. leafenode is also in serie N. See the file /etc/leafnode/config for configuration and the manpages for further informations. There is also a vegood documentation in the directory /usr/share/doc/packages/leafnode You have to insert localhost for the newsserver entry in your .pinerc, then everything should work fine.
I find that odd that you got your sb live to work and mine wouldn't.
Thats really curious... But first of all try again the lsmod command and send me the output please. I'll send you also my alsa-configfile via pm, maybe this helps your with your soundproblem. Have fun, Schoeppi ---------- SuSE-Blinux Support Christian Schöpplein <schoeppi@suse.de> Tel.: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480 www: http://www.blinux.suse.de/en/

hi, wer von euch hat welche tieman-zeile ich werde mich in den kommenden wochen mal um tieman kümmern gibt es evtl. jemanden der mir eine tieman-zeile zeitweise leihen kann momentan weiß ich nicht vorher ich sonst eine bekommen soll gruß marco ** Life is hard and then you die ** ----------------------------------- SuSE GmbH - Deutschherrenstrasse 15-19 - 90429 Nuernberg Projekt: suse-blinux http://www.blinux.suse.de E-Mail: Marco Skambraks <marco@suse.de> blinux-support: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480

Hi Marco! Noch immer besitze ich die Combibraille45 von Tieman. Das dürfte allerdings keine Information für Dich sein, denn das wußtest Du bereits :-). Leider kann ich Dir das Ding auch nicht ausleihen. Da habe ich doch meine Probleme mit. Nicht das ich Dir das Teil nciht anvertrauen würde, aber: a) ich brauche die Zeile b) der Transport der Zeile birgt gewisse Risiken, welche ich selbst eingehen müßte und c) Tieman sollte doch dafür sorgen, daß endlich mal eine Zeile an den Laden kommt. Das kann doch nicht sein, daß man Zeilen verkauft und anschließend die Sintflut über uns hereinbrechen läßt. Stellen die sich denn tatsächlich derart quer? Was verlieren die schon, wenn sie Dir eine Zeile zukommen lassen ;-)? Ich bin sicher, daß Du an de nTreibern sitzt und alles daran setzt, daß wir endlich ordentlich mit dem Susepacket arbeiten können. Alternativen scheint es ja zu geben, doch fehlt mir im Augenblick leider die sehende Hilfskraft und zum anderen die nötige Zeit dafür :-(. Ich hoffe also weiterhin auf den Treiber. Wenn es irgendwas nützen sollte, daß wir uns selbst an den Hersteller, sprich Tieman wenden, dann sg bescheid. Ich habe allerdings die Vermutung, daß man natürlich etwas skeptisch ist, was Linux angeht, schließlich kann man da zumindest im Augenblick keinen Screenreader an arme hilfebedürftige Blinde verkaufen ;-). Wenn ich Dir anderweitig irgendwie helfen kann, dann melde Dich einfach. Bin gerne beriet meinen Tiel dazu beizutragen. Nur die Zeiel will ich eigentlich nciht herausgeben. Die Gründe dafür dürften einleuchten. Bis dann, Christian

hi, sorry, my last message in german :-) it was aimed to the german list ok now the short translation I will try to modify the combibraille driver and add also a multibraille driver to suse-blinux I want to know who has which tieman-display and maybe, one of you (in germany) can borrow me a tieman device that was my last message currently, I work on Baum displays maybe, that in suse 7.2 Vaum-displays will be supported with baum-nativ-protocoll varo40,vario80,dm80p saqib, are you still having a braillelite? best regards marco ** Life is hard and then you die ** ----------------------------------- SuSE GmbH - Deutschherrenstrasse 15-19 - 90429 Nuernberg Projekt: suse-blinux http://www.blinux.suse.de E-Mail: Marco Skambraks <marco@suse.de> blinux-support: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480
participants (4)
Christian Schoepplein
Dave Csercsics
marco skambraks