Hello! On Mo, Feb 21, 2005 at 09:34:42 +0100, J. V. Sarioglou wrote:
I know this is a cup of tea which got a bit cool over time but:
I can't get cursor routing to work on my machine :
SuSE 9.1 PRO SBL 2.2-23 (FTP.ed from the 9.2 repository) kernel 2.6.5-7-145-default (updated by suse).
Okay, I know you've got to deactivate UTF-8...
Not necesarely. Try it the following way: 1. Open the file /etc/sysconfig/language 2. Modify the value for RC_LC_CTYPE: RC_LC_CTYPE="de_DE@euro" Or anny other setting that fits your needs... 3. Modify the value for RC_LANG: RC_LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" Or any other setting, that fits your needs... After this modifikations, execute SuSEconfig and restart the keyboard settings: rckbd restart If this doesn't solv your problems, I can sent you a newer sbl version that hasn't the problems. -- Gruss / Regards, Christian Schoepplein <schoeppi@suse.de> SUSE LINUX GmbH - SUSE-Blinux Support WWW: http://www.blinux.suse.de Phone: Germany: 0180 / 500 36 12 (12ct/min) Austria: 0820 / 500 781 (14,5ct/min) Switzerland: 0848 / 860 847