Hi Nath! On Son, Feb 16, 2003 at 08:45:34 +0100, Nath wrote:
I try to install SuSE 8 with an handytec BrailleTop But I encounter a big problem using Yast2. The BrailleTop is properly detected but when I try to navigate between the various choices present on the screen the braille display doesn't follow the cursor properly. I read the faq and others documentations on the unofficial english webpage and find that I need to indicate to the brailleTop that I want to switch to profile 2. To do such thing I pressed on the first left key, maintain it pressed and press the height key from left. I hear two beeps and then I suppose I'm in profile 2 but despite this command the problem is the same.
So what can I do now to have the BrailleDisplay following the cursor in order to know which option is selected ?
You don't have to switch to profile 2 manually, that is onle necesary for older versions. Unfortunatly SuSE 8.0 is verry difficult to install for blind people, the profile for yast2 needed during instalation doesn't work very good in the installatoinrutine, the problem is yast2 and not sbl. yast2 uses not the same collors in the different installationscreens, so we had no chance to make a profile that works for the whole installation. Sorry for the bad news :-(! Best regards, Schoeppi -- Christian Schöpplein <schoeppi@suse.de> SuSE-Blinux Support Tel.: 0 4 21 / 5 26 - 24 80 (Di. und Do. 15:00 - 20:00 Uhr) WWW: http://www.blinux.suse.de