Hi Gordon! On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Gordon Smith wrote:
I'm afraid it didn't help in my case. Also, the Braille is not showing which buttons I am highlighting when I press the Tab key, and the up/down arrows are not making any difference either. For example, if I manage to get to the hard drive and custom partition options, as I did once by sheer chance, I cannot tell where I am. Moving around with the Braille keys doesn't really help me either, because I cannot tell which option or options are selected, ecept in the case of radio buttons, which have an X next to them if selected.
Hmm, I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce your problems on my system. If you are in listboxes you shuld see the actual item (not higlightetd) and then the rest of the line (highlightetd). By moving up and down with the cursorkeys you shuld be able to switch between the different items of the list. By pressing the tabkey you'll get to the next list or the next element of the screen. The actual element or the selected item is also marked with the cursor in front of it or witch the cursor in the same line. you can select a item or a radiobutton by pressing either the enterkey or space. Just try a little bit and move arround in the yast2-installationprocedure, I'm sure with a littlle exercising you'll can solve the problems. Its really a little tricky, but it shuld work. You can't do wrong anything and the installationprogramm does not make any changes to your system, until you answer "yes" to the last question of the whole installationprocedure. Also you'll get a summary of all setting before this last question, so you can controll if every thing is selected right. What do you see on your brailledisplay, if your are in the hard drive and custom partition options? How do you want to install linux? On wich partitions, how much harddrives etc.? Best regards and don't give up, I'm 100% sure we'll get linux working on your computer!!! Schoeppi -- SuSE-Blinux Support Christian Schöpplein <schoeppi@suse.de> Tel.: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480 www: http://www.blinux.suse.de