Hi Marco, Gordon and all, how usable is the MBROLA package? I'm looking for such a speach package since I want to use a transportable workstation under Linux too. Now, with a soft-speach solution visible, this dream could possible become true. So what are the features of the new toy? Wolfgang
hi, On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Gordon Smith wrote:
I have been told that SuSE supports speech synthesizers as well as Braille terminals, is this true? If so, could someone tell me how one initialises the synthesizer? I would also appreciate any documentation on the subject. if you want to use a softspeech please download the mbrola package from ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/blinux if you want to use a hardsynth like apollo or infovox look into $SBLDIR/spk/ in this directory you find the config-files for the speech-synths
enter the name of the synth in /etc/suse-blinux.conf spkname=vox700 spkport=/dev/ttyS1
for mbrola enter: spkname=mbrola spkport=//
have fun!
Kind regards, Gordon Smith.
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ICQ: 23973878 MSN Messenger: gordon@tft-bbs.co.uk
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