I have suse installed and it is working great. How do I get it to work with my cable connection? I have a 3com etherlink xl 3c 900b 10mb ehternet card and my cable provider is @home. Also, is it po0ssible to get suse-blinux to use the US braille translation tables? I am kind of a linux newbieas I just started using the OS a couple days ago but it is nice to program in and it is very very quick. In some hways a lot easier to handle than windows. Also how does suse handle things like floppies and cdroms. I tried to mount a floppy the other day and it said that vfat and fat were both invalid file systems. I find this odd since my windows partition is a vfat filesystem and linux will let me access that with no problems. Thanks for any help with this. I know it's probably stupid of me not to know how this works, but then I have only used linux for like 2 days and I have never used unix at all before that. The only OS's I have used before linux are dos and windows. Windows crashes too much and is a pain to reinstall when you are blind because the install screens won't talk. I picked linux because I need to program in c++ for school and I can't have my machine go down in the m,iddle of trying to get a computer science degree. That is one reason and another is that I find windows a little slower to access and generally not all that reliable. So I will learn linuxz and use that mostly now I think.