Hi Saqib! On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
Hello, I believe this to be the English list, but many of you post in German!
Sorry for that, but it seams that some people still haven't update their addresbook ;-).
A week back or so people had a German conversation about screen readers for the GUI. Please could a bilingual like Marco or Christian please summarise this in English as I am interested in this thread?
There was a discusion about an interface for X, because someboddy wanted to know, if something like that is allreaddy existing or not. Andreas Jusek wrote, that he knows about 2 projects: 1. UltrasoniX: A X-Server, that was originaly build to run on solaris but the project to transport this thing to linux appears to be not very successful. 2. XVI from BEAM LTD.: Originaly this was a hard-software-combination witch was developed as a X-terminal for the Barcley's Bank. Meanwhile the product was restructured by BEAM and momentarily you can download a X-Server with braillesupport for Alva-brailledisplaies on their homepage: www.beam.ltd.uk/xvil or www.beam.demon.co.uk/home.html The package has a modular structure and it should not be very hart to include more new brailledisplaydrivers, Terry Barnaby (BEAM ltd.) said. Some listmembers wrote, that its not really easy to buld an interface for X and noboddy really knows how to build such a thing, but if there is a chance to get something working that prommises succes, some guys want to help and support the project. What do you think about an interface for X? Have you made some interesting experience? Best regards, Schoeppi ---------- SuSE-Blinux Support Christian Schöpplein <schoeppi@suse.de> Tel.: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480 www: http://www.blinux.suse.de/en/