Hi Rob! On Son, Apr 14, 2002 at 01:01:26 -0400, Robert Lumley wrote:
I was curious where i get the new blinux from as i can't find any links on the english site for suse for it. There seems to be much more on the de site but I of course can't read it :) Also I was curious about the keysniff feature I see in the blinux.conf file. Is their a patch for the kernel 2.4.10 to enable this keysniff feature?
No, there is only a patch for kernel 2.2.x :-(. We are working on a patch for 2.4.x, but there seems to be more work to do then we thought... The newest SuSE-Blinux version that is available via internet is hfor example placed heere: ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/linux/suse/7.3/suse/ap1/sbl.rpm Best regards, Schoeppi -- SuSE-Blinux Support Christian Schöpplein <schoeppi@suse.de> Tel.: Di. und Do. 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr 0421/526-2480 www: http://www.blinux.suse.de