Hello to everybody I write to this mailing list to look for some help, recently I tried to install openSuse in my pc, I download the is,burn it and I test the DVD with the openSUSE DVD tool, I install SUse with no problems, the problems came after the instalation, the instalation finished and at the end linux did not load the graphic desktop, I selected during the instalation the KDE 4.0. my PC specs are the next: Processor: AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ Graphic Card: Radeon 9200 PRO MB: Gigabyte NvIDIA GeForce 6100/nForce RAM: KIngston 2GB "Playing" a little bit with the unix language I have tried some commands as kdeinit, but the graphic desktop does not load, but I can give you some details I have seen rare. During the boot when Suse send me to the console I can read this Checking/updating CPU micromode unused and almost in the bottom before hte login it says this: Master Resource Control: runlevel 5 has been reached Skipped services in runlevel 5: microcode.ctl other thing I logged in with root and accesed to yast, inside yast when i go to see hardware I can se that my graphic card it's being recognized bad. It shows me that my VGA is Radeon 5690 and shows me also that there is my graphic card but for secondary displays this is normal to show me a secondary graphic card, It shows me something like this: VGA controller: Radeon 5690 Video Controller: Radeon 9200 PRO (Secondary) and other thing i can tell you is when I write in the console "initkde" the console answers me: kdeinit: Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set So can anybody help me please, I'm a noob with linux, please I hope you could undestand me. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: blinux+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: blinux+help@opensuse.org