OT: Fragebogen taktile Grafiken
Hallo allerseits, nachdem sich die Blinux-Liste in der letzten Zeit mit mehr als nur Blinux selber befasst hat schicke ich hier die Anfrage meiner Freundin weiter, die gerade in den Staaten ein Praktikum bei einem Hersteller eines grafikfähigen taktilen Druckers macht. Sie hat innerhalb ihres Praktikums einen Fragebogen erstellt und bittet um das Ausfüllen durch blinde Personen. Im Moment hat sie über 150 Einträge, allerdings keinen einzigen (!) aus Deutschland. Ich hoffe, dass es nicht zu sehr Off Topic ist, wenn ich hier darauf aufmerksam mache. Immerhin gibt es einen Bezug zu Linux, denn ich bin Betatester des Linuxtreibers für den Drucker! ;-) Ich habe den Aufruf unten angehängt. Mögliche Beschwerden wegen OT-Postings bitte an mich, inhaltliche Nachfragen bitte an feelfree@seallife.info . Danke für das Verständnis! Ciao Michael Fill out the Feel Free Survey before March 25th and be one of the ten winners of an oversized tactile world map! Objective research is needed to better understand how tactile graphics can be best used for learning, and how they can be read and comprehended most efficiently and effectively. Your expertise and help is needed. If you are totally blind or have less than five percent of vision remaining, your participation is requested. Or, if you know someone who fits the criteria and may be willing to help, please tell them about the survey. Fill out our survey by clicking on the link below. It will take you approximately 15 to 20 minutes. If you have problems completing the survey on the web, please reply to this email and we will be happy to provide you with a text version of the survey (by request, surveys can also be completed over the telephone). Everyone who completes a survey will be eligible to win an oversized tactile world map. http://feelfree.seallife.info The feel Free Project is a scientific research project aimed at developing teaching methods and materials to help blind people read and understand tactile graphics even if they do not read braille. The project, running from November 2003 to August 2004, is carried out by Suzanne van den Bercken, student in educational sciences at Utrecht University (the Netherlands). Tactile graphics teaching materials should be designed to best suit the needs of those who use them. This research is needed to better understand those needs, as well as user preferences in reading tactile graphics. We need to know your thoughts about tactile graphics. Do you need them? Have you ever used tactile graphics? For what do you use them? Where do you use them and when do you use them? Please, provide us with your knowledge and your point of view regarding tactile graphics and help us to develop teaching materials that fit to your needs. Suzanne M. van den Bercken On the web: http://feelfree.seallife.info E-mail to: feelfree@seallife.info Feel Free Learning to use tactile graphics On the web: http://www.seallife.info/feelfree/index.php E-mail: feelfree@seallife.info
participants (1)
Michael Zacherle