Bug in switching from static to DHCP IP address (SuSE 8.2)

I had set up my network with a static IP address for my home network. I wanted to change this to use the laptop at work. It was not possible to do this with YaST. YaST always created an entry in /etc/hosts containing the old static IP address. So it was not possible to access the system by name. /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 looked like this: BOOTPROTO='dhcp' MTU='' REMOTE_IPADDR='' STARTMODE='onboot' UNIQUE='CLZK.uKObkw8DXlC' WIRELESS='no' BROADCAST='' IPADDR='' NETMASK='' NETWORK='' I changed it as follows and deleted the entry form /etc/hosts: BOOTPROTO='dhcp' MTU='' REMOTE_IPADDR='' STARTMODE='onboot' UNIQUE='CLZK.uKObkw8DXlC' WIRELESS='no' BROADCAST='' IPADDR='' NETMASK='' NETWORK='' It was not possible to delete these entries with YaST. After running YaST (-> SuSEconfig) it works now. But it ist not satisfying, as i am going to have thes problems everytime i change the network - almost daily. Hayo Schmidt
participants (1)
Hayo Schmidt