AutoYaST Reinstalls After First Boot

Hey, I'm experiencing some weird problems with AutoYaST and SuSE 9.3. My installation medium is CDs, and after autoyast reboots for the first time (i.e., after it finishes installing packages from CD1), it automatically reboots. The problem is, that it boots from the first CD again, which installs everything from scratch, and generally enters an infinite loop... Is there a way around this...? Possibly relevant is this line from isolinux.cfg: append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=65536 autoyast=default instmode=cd usedhcp=0 Thanks, --Yuval

Yuval Yaari wrote:
The problem is, that it boots from the first CD again, which installs everything from scratch, and generally enters an infinite loop...
Yep - even if you eject the CD during post-install - many CDROM's will close the drawer during bootup and boot from the CD again. I would suggest changing your BIOS boot order - we usually install using PXE, but on the occasion that I wish to install from CD, it will get picked up before PXE. If the disk is not bootable, then boot from CD, then PXE. Forcing an install from CD or PXE is a simple as zeroing out the MBR. BIOS boot order: 1) Hard Disk 2) CDROM 3) Network To start an install on the next reboot, I run: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 (or sda, if using scsi) An alternative is to default to booting from the hard disk, if there is no input to isolinux. Configure a label of "LOCALBOOT 0" as the default, and set "TIMEOUT 300" to boot from disk in 30 seconds, if no other boot option is typed in at the console. Kind Regards, Michael
participants (2)
Michael Shuler
Yuval Yaari