From the last three lines I can see that there is "something" configured in
Hi group again, my fiddling with the autoyast configuration options continues. I have the following entry in my xml file: <ldap> <base_config_dn>dc=mydomain,dc=de</base_config_dn> <create_ldap config:type="boolean">true</create_ldap> <file_server config:type="boolean">false</file_server> <ldap_domain>dc=mydomain,dc=de</ldap_domain> <ldap_server>ldap</ldap_server> <ldap_tls config:type="boolean">false</ldap_tls> <ldap_v2 config:type="boolean">false</ldap_v2> <member_attribute>member</member_attribute> <pam_password>crypt</pam_password> <start_ldap config:type="boolean">true</start_ldap> </ldap> The server "ldap" is resolvable via our DNS server. Autoyast triggers the "ldap" authentication (/etc/nsswitch.conf contains a "passwd_compat: ldap" line), but the ldap configuration itself is done just half-way. The file /etc/ldap.conf is created with follwing contents (comment lines removed): host base dc=example,dc=com ldap_version 3 pam_password crypt ssl start_tls pam_filter objectclass=posixAccount nss_base_passwd dc=mydomain,dc=de nss_base_shadow dc=mydomain,dc=de nss_base_group dc=mydomain,dc=de the file, but why are the "host" and "base" lines kept unusable? They are clearly defined in my XML config. Is this something I did wrong or is it just one more bug of autoyast? Best regards Ole -- DSL Komplett von GMX +++ Superg�nstig und stressfrei einsteigen! AKTION "Kein Einrichtungspreis" nutzen: