Good Day, I just installed SuSE-8.1 via AutoYast2. It worked - BUT: On the first reboot it says: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Booting 'linux' kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 Error 15: File not found Press any key to continue... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is NO kernel under '/boot/' - did AutoYast forget to install the kernel?!? Do I need any magical options in order to enable such fancy and peculiar thing as installing a kernel? What did I do?: 1. Copy SuSE-8.1-CD1. 2. Remove all rpms. 3. Edit 'boot/loader/isolinux.cfg': append ..... install=nfs://.... autoyast=nfs://... ip=... ..... 4. Create new iso image. 5. Boot this image. The installation was successful and I could even log in afterwards; I typed "reboot" and that was it.... Thank you very much, Erik Soyez. --