9 Nov
9 Nov
I have tryed to remove all executable permitions of the file and it still does not work...
Johannes Klug <Johannes.Klug@dreger.de> 11/09/04 7:52 AM >>> "Robert Morrow" <rmorrow@kumc.edu> wrote on 08.11.2004 15:46:07:
I have been put incharge of setting up an auto-install for 30 + machines. I have does this befor using the autoyast utility and never editing the xml at all. But as i am trying to do it again I can not seem to get the install to read my autoinst.xml file. I am running Suse Enterprise 9.1.
Robert Morrow
Hello Robert, check permissions of autoinst.xml. If it's executable, yast won't read it. I had this problem after carrying my xml file to another using a floppy disk. Regards, Johannes Klug