Is there a best way ? I use the following approach: Having - a suse installation repository build form the origianl DVD . - - Additional a mirror for Updates and/or other repositories ( like Packman ) - a self build YUM repository for self created rpms. The base system itself is build from the original suse dvd images with autoyast. After the initial installation a script runs to: - add/remove additional repos - add/remove/update software packages - Do additional configuration to the system Thus the basic system is easily installed with autoyast. I will have no problem during the base installation with self repositories and other stuff. The configuration script can easily be extended to support further customization like nfs mounts and other stuff. Further information: * Create Yast installation Sources: * Add repositories to Yast: Example: zypper sa http://myserver/opensuse103/x86addon "Self build packages for OpenSuse 10.3 32bit " * Stage 2 client configuration with AYAST * Unattened execution of yast Example ... ## Run Stage 2 Yast configuration for stuff forgotten/changed in the initial configuration export TERM=vt100 cd /tmp for i in ntp.xml dns.xml ; do wget --no-clobber http://reposerver:${basedir}/autoinstall/classes/$i screen -D -m yast /usr/share/YaST2/clients/ayast_setup.ycp setup filename=/tmp/$i done cd - cheers Hajo -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: