Hi.... I was just wondering if someone could tell me if it is possible to have something like the following for a rules.xml file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE autoinstall SYSTEM "/usr/share/autoinstall/dtd/rules.dtd"> <autoinstall xmlns="http://www.suse.com/1.0/yast2ns" xmlns:config="http://www.suse.com/1.0/configns"> <rules config:type="list"> <rule> <custom1> <script><![CDATA[ #!/bin/sh wget -q -O /tmp/dynamic.xml http://autoyast/cgi-bin/ay_gen.pl?hostname=${hostname}\&hostnetmask=${Netmask}\&hostdefaultgw=${Gateway}\&hostdomain=${Domain}\&hostdisk1=${Disks}\&hostdisk2= echo -n "modified" ]]></script> <match>*</match> <match_type>exact</match_type> </custom1> <result> <profile>/tmp/dynamic.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">true</continue> </result> </rule> </rules> </autoinstall> Specifically I am retrieving the rules.xml file via http as part of an autoyast suse install and I want to use wget in the rules.xml file to retrieve a dynamic control file which I save in /tmp/dynamic.xml and then in the <result><profile> section I would like my rules.xml file to point at this local file. The wget works and does download the file correctly, but the <profile> section doesn't seem to let me refer to a local file.....it keeps trying to wget the file from the same URL where the rules/rules.xml file resides. I have tried just specifying /tmp/dynamic.xml (as shown above) and also file:///tmp/dynamic.xml but neither of these work. Is there any way I can get this to work? Thanx in advance. Chris Bradshaw.