Hi to all. I'm trying to realize a custom boot cd for automating network installation of SuSE 8.2. I created autoinst.xml (with autoyast2) and copied it on the root directory of SuSE boot cd (as found on SuSE ftp). I copied boot cd on /tmp/test_cd, then modified /tmp/test_cd/boot/loader/isolinux.cfg this way: ------------------------ default auto1 # autoinstall label auto1 kernel linux append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=65536 autoyast=file:/autoinst.xml install=ftp://my_suse_ftp_mirror/pub/suse_mirror/8.2/ ip= netmask= gateway= # hard disk label harddisk kernel linux append SLX=0x202 showopts < unmodified part> ------------------- I recreated cd image with: mkisofs -o prova1.iso -b boot/loader/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table /tmp/test_cd and burned it successfully. The boot process starts correctly and I can reach YaST2 screen. After a while YaST2 complains about the lack of autoinst.xml and there is no way for me to make it read from the CD. Identical problem if I try to read it from floppy (modifying or not the "autoyast=..." boot option). Any hints? TIA LG -- Leandro Gelasi Servizio supporto utenti Linux Email: supporto.linux(At)uniroma1(punto)it Home Page: http://linuxhelp.uniroma1.it Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - C.I.T.I.Co.R.D. Centro Interateneo per le Tecnologie dell'Informazione e la Comunicazione nella Ricerca e nella Didattica