Hi all, for the autoinstallation of our workstations, I would like to add a second repository to the installation sources. I intend to mirror the complete Packman repo locally, then add some stuff from that repository during the install. I've read through the AutoYAST doc and through quite a few postings on this list, but that left me utterly confused... :-( Did I understand correctly that it is not possible to add a second repository as an install source? Chapter 4.5.3 and the postings I found all talk about modifying the one install repository which is not what I want - I'd much prefer to keep the original SuSE 10.0 install tree untouched, as it's easier to track what has been added. Someone (Michael Marion?) hinted at having a separate repository, but unfortunately not in a way that I was able to make something out of it... :-} Hence: How do I go about this? The Packman repo is a complete repo and the local mirror is already usable by YaST2 as an install source (at least if I mount the directory from the server to the workstation and use "file://" - "nfs://" doesn't work for some strange reason - but that's another problem) - all I want to do is add it as an additional source so I can add the additional packages I want to autoinstall.xml and have them installed as well. Any hints appreciated! Cheerio, Thomas