Hi, Kai Moeller wrote:
Hi there,
after working without any rules or templates, I would create some rules to merge my autoyast profile for different workstations. My Profile directory is: '/pub/suse/9.1/autoyast/' ... I starts the autoyast routine on the commandline without a speficy profile (Autoyast=nfs://10.xxx.xxx.62/pub/suse/9.1/autoyast/)
my rules.xml is in '/pub/suse/9.1/autoyast/rules/rules.xml' and contains following lines:
<CTYPE autoinstall SYSTEM "/usr/share/autoinstall/dtd/rules.dtd"> <autoinstall xmlns="http://www.suse.com/1.0/yast2ns" xmlns:config ="http://www.suse.com/1.0/configns"> <rules config:type="list"> <rule> <mac> <match>00B0D0E25C86</match> <match_type>exact</match_type> </mac> <result> <profile>km2.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue> </result> </rule> </rules> </autoinstall>
In the rules you have to use lower case mac address. Anas
Best regards Kai Moeller