Answer i got from the support. Regarding a btrfs configuration for autoyast. Here is a example of a minimal configuration section for a btrfs partition <partitioning config:type="list"> <drive> <device>/dev/sda</device> <use>all</use> <initialize config:type="boolean">true</initialize> <partitions config:type="list"> <partition> <filesystem config:type="symbol">ext3</filesystem> <mount>/boot</mount> <size>100M</size> </partition> <partition> <filesystem config:type="symbol">swap</filesystem> <mount>swap</mount> <size>2G</size> </partition> <partition> <filesystem config:type="symbol">btrfs</filesystem> <mount>/</mount> <size>auto</size> <subvolumes config:type="list"> <listentry>@</listentry> <listentry>tmp</listentry> <listentry>opt</listentry> <listentry>srv</listentry> <listentry>var/crash</listentry> <listentry>var/spool</listentry> <listentry>var/log</listentry> <listentry>var/run</listentry> <listentry>var/tmp</listentry> <listentry>.snapshots</listentry> </subvolumes> </partition> </partitions> </drive> </partitioning> During installation the btrfs and subvolumes will already be prepared for quota, however per default quotas are not enabled on btrfs. You need to do it once with command btrfs quota enable <path> and rescan the quota stats btrfs quota rescan <path> To have this during auto installation you could add following post- install script <scripts> <post-scripts config:type="list"> <script> <filename></filename> <interpreter>shell</interpreter> <source><![CDATA[ #!/bin/sh echo -n "Enable btrfs quota ..." btrfs quota enable / && echo "ok" || echo "failed" echo -n "Rescan quotas ..." btrfs quota rescan / && echo "ok" || echo "failed" ]]> </source> </script> </post-scripts> </scripts>