hello List, I'm using SuSE version 8.0 and I love it. I'm trying with "yast autoyast" to configure a swap partition but it does not work. When the auto-install does his job I have the message "The hard disk has an unsupported partition table." or something similar (mainly all other things are working ok). What is the correct way to do this ? it does not work either putting 'swap' or not as the mount point. Here is the representation : ??Options?????????????????????? Partition Plan ? ?????General Options ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????Messages Logging ? ?Device ?Mount? Size ? Type ? File System ? ? ?????Bootloader ? ? ?swap ?auto ?Linux native? ? ? ?????Partitioning ? ? ?/data?max ?Linux native?Reiser ? ? ?????Network ? ? ?/ ?2.5gb ?Linux native?Reiser ? ? ???+?Authentication ? ?/dev/hda? ? ? ? ? ? My yast2 modules versions are : yast2-trans-autoinst-2.5.14-6 yast2-config-autoinst-2.5.16-1 yast2-module-autoinst-2.5.27-0 Has someone the same problem ? schon gehabt ? Or can someone post an "interesting-complicated-but-working" hand-made XML file ? Thank you ! Antoine