Peter, I'm not positive, but I think it may be a problem. What I believe would work in any case would be to create a post-script like so: ---------- #!/bin/sh cat /etc/init.d/rc3.d/S99reboot << EOF #!/bin/sh rm /etc/init.d/rc3.d/S99reboot reboot EOF ---------- Good luck, Roy Peter Schwenk wrote:
I am using autoyast w/ SuSE 9.0, and I was wondering if it is a bad idea to reboot the system at the end of a post-script? Are there steps after the post-script that would be skipped? I'm doing an online_update in the post-script, and I would like to make sure that the system comes up with the new kernel. Thanks in advance for your help!
-- - Peter A. Schwenk | Mathematical Sciences - schwenk@math.udel.edu | University of Delaware - (302) 831-0437 | Newark, DE 19716-2553 USA
-- Roy Butler - MIST Development Environment Jet Propulsion Laboratory email: roy.butler@jpl.nasa.gov phone: 818-354-8825