Stripped down xml file ? You are kidding ;-) Does the creation of the partion fails or is just the bootloader not active. Also for troubleshooting: Have you verified your auto.xml with "xmllint" Does the driver for your hba are being loaded ? BTW: What i do not understand is your bootloader Section: Because it says not to activate it. Below yor xml File i have put an extract of my boatloader section. hth Hajo
From your xml File ....
<bootloader> <activate config:type="boolean">false</activate> <global config:type="list"/> <loader_device></loader_device> <loader_type>grub</loader_type> <location>mbr</location> <repl_mbr config:type="boolean">false</repl_mbr> </bootloader> .... Extract from my xml File: <bootloader> <activate config:type="boolean">true</activate> <global config:type="list"/> <loader_device></loader_device> <loader_type>lilo</loader_type> <location>mbr</location> <repl_mbr config:type="boolean">true</repl_mbr> <sections config:type="list"/> </bootloader>
GrueMaster <> 08/26/05 2:03 am >>> I'm still trying to get autoinstall for Suse 9.3 to work on this system. Autoyast fails to create partitions. Works just fine installing manually, but I need to be able to implement autoinstall.
Attached is my stripped down auto.xml file. It worked on a few older systems, but not here. Anything else I can try? Tobin --------------------------------- Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page ============================ Hans-Joachim Ehlers UNIX Systems Engineer EUMETSAT Am Kavalleriesand, 31 64295, Darmstadt, Germany Tel : +49 6151 807-7307 eMail : iNet :