On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Rajiv Aaron Manglani wrote: Hi Rajiv, thanks for sending this.
instead of the for loop, check out pdsh. you can use it to run commands such as:
pdsh -w box[1-n] 'wget http://path/to/rpm; rpm -I file.rpm'
This method of administration I'd like actually to avoid because I would have to keep track what I did myself. The ideal solution was if autoyast would offer something like ,,update'', so I can modify the control file and then just apply the changes. Some kind of ,,RemoteYaST''. Cheers, Peter.
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Peter Nießen (Peter Niessen for special character challenged displays) Bartol Research Institute University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716-4793 U.S. of America Tel (+1)302/831-8700 Fax (+1)302/831-1843 e-mail niessen@ifh.de www http://www.ifh.de/~niessen /"\ ASCII ribbon campaign \ / --------------------- X against HTML mail / \ and postings pgp public key at http://www.ifh.de/www_users/amanda/niessen/www/pgp_pubkey.asc