I am unable to get my memsize rules working properly. It states in the documentation that the memsize is recognized in megabytes, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Every value I use for memsize seems to match any system, until I get to 10000000000000000000 or greater. In other words, with the below rules.xml, the first rule matches all systems(which is what I want so that every system uses the default.xml file). However, all systems match the next two rules as well, so that all 3 xml files are merged. But I only want the first rule file and one of the 2 next rules files merged based on memory being either less than 3000MB or greater than 3000MB. So I end up getting a merged rules file of all 3. I copied the syntax directly from the example in the autoyast guide. Is there a bug in the memsize option? I am using the below rules.xml file..... <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE autoinstall SYSTEM "/usr/share/autoinstall/dtd/rules.dtd"> <autoinstall xmlns="http://www.suse.com/1.0/yast2ns" xmlns:config="http://www.suse.com/1.0/configns"> <rules config:type="list"> <rule> <memsize> <match>128</match> <match_type>greater</match_type> </memsize> <result> <profile>default.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">true</continue> </result> </rule> <rule> <disksize> <match>/dev/cciss/c0d0 1000</match> <match_type>greater</match_type> </disksize> <result> <profile>cciss.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">true</continue> </result> </rule> <rule> <disksize> <match>/dev/cciss/c0d0 1000</match> <match_type>greater</match_type> </disksize> <memsize> <match>3000</match> <match_type>greater</match_type> </memsize> <result> <profile>cciss4g.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">true</continue> </result> </rule> <rule> <disksize> <match>/dev/cciss/c0d0 1000</match> <match_type>greater</match_type> </disksize> <memsize> <match>5000</match> <match_type>greater</match_type> </memsize> <result> <profile>cciss6g.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">true</continue> </result> </rule> </rules> </autoinstall>