Hello, what do you exactly mean with using SP3???? The http repository is with the original SLES and UL Cds and with the both SP3 CDs according to http://www.suse.de/~nashif/autoinstall/multiplesource.html. I created the bootable cd according to http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-autoinstall/2004-May/0008.html, and in this comment :
== 7 == Make a custom boot cd ========================================================= Mount and copy your SLES8 CD1 to /iso/cdboot/ You can delete all rpm in /iso/cdboot/ to reduce the size of the final cd Mount the SP3 CD to /mnt/sp3 ### script ### cp /mnt/sp3/boot/loader/linux /iso/cdboot/boot/loader/ cp /mnt/sp3/boot/loader/initrd /iso/cdboot/boot/loader/ cp /mnt/sp3/boot/loader/initrd /iso/
So I think I am using SP3. The problem appears as soon as yast want s to install the packages. It makes a wget to http://<INSTALLSRVIP>/SuSE/SLES8/suse/xxx.rpm an not to http://<INSTALLSRVIP>/SuSE/SLES8/sles8-i386/CD1/suse/xxx.rpm which would be the right path. I hope this information helps. best regards daniel
Are you using SP3? Without SP3, HTTP installs do not work.
Daniel Fitzner wrote:
Hello guys,
I am trying to setup a autoyast environment for sles8 with a http repository.
According to http://www.suse.de/~nashif/autoinstall/multiplesource.html I setup the repository.
I created a bootable CD mit an info file, thats looks:
install: http://<INSTALLSRVIP>/SuSE/SLES8/ netdevice: eth0 hostip: <CLIENTIP> gateway: <CLIENTGATEWAY> nameserver: <DNS> netmask: textmode: 1 forceinsmod: 1 nopcmcia: 1
and a working xml -file.
If I boot with the cd at first everything works fine, the clients gets all information needed, like network configuration, partitioning infos from xml-file and so on.
But if the yast wants to start the installation it cannot find any package. I checked the logs of the http-server and saw that yast searches the packages at the wrong directory.
Do you have any ideas, why???
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