Hi! I have one problem left within my autoinstallation process. When all RPM's are installed, lilo is written into the bootsector. After that a message pops up with "Sucessfully written into Bootsector [..]". The pop up needs to be confirmed with a click on the OK button. That's strange to me. I've read about the default should be show all errors/warnings/messages with a timeout of 10 seconds even if I don't have a <report> section in my autoinst.xml. I've also made a <report> section (see below) but without any postive result. So, can anybody give me a hint about this prob ? Btw.: I am using the latest autoyast packages with the latest update image (y2update.gz) on floppy. Part of my autoinst.xml: [..] <install> <bootloader> <activate config:type="boolean">false</activate> <initrd_modules config:type="list"> <listentry>DAC960</listentry> <listentry>lvm-mod</listentry> <listentry>ext3</listentry> </initrd_modules> <lba_support config:type="boolean">true</lba_support> <linear config:type="boolean">false</linear> <location>mbr</location> </bootloader> <report> <messages> <show>true</show> <timeout>5</timeout> <log>true</log> </messages> <errors> <show>true</show> <timeout>5</timeout> <log>true</log> </errors> <warnings> <show>true</show> <timeout>5</timeout> <log>true</log> </warnings> </report> [..] Best regards Stefan -- __________________________________________ stefan weigel administration global linxs gmbh knowledge interaction romanstrasse 16 80639 munich - germany www.global-linxs.com tel.: +49(0)89. 189 336- 61 fax.: +49(0)89. 189 336- 99 email: sw@global-linxs.com __________________________________________