I'm not sure why thos partitions aren't be deleted. I had a problem with LVM partitions because the volume groups get activated and therefore can't be properly reformated since the kernel already has the lvm info. To get around it I wrote this slash and burn pre-script that nukes the volume groups and the erases the partition table using dd. Note: it does not reboot automatically as I wish it did and has no way of returning a message because no useful utilities such as "init", "reboot", or even "halt" are available at this point. I do have a machine language 60 byte reboot code that a friend was able to hack together in x86 assembler that I've though of including but it hasn't been tested. --- use at your own risk --- <pre-scripts config:type="list"> <script> <filename>nukepart.sh</filename> <interpreter>shell</interpreter> <source> <![CDATA[#!/bin/sh #Nuke all existing logical volumes and volume groups # The machine will report not enough room for installation and # require a manual reboot but at least this takes care of the # tedious task of deleting them before installation had2nuke=0 for invg in `vgscan | grep "inactive volume group" | tr "\"" " " | awk '{print $ 7}'`; do vgchange -a y $invg; done for acvg in `vgscan | grep "active volume group" | tr "\"" " " | awk '{print $7} '`; do for lv in `lvscan | grep "ACTIVE" | tr "\"" " " | awk '{print $4}'`; do lvremove -f $lv; done; vgchange -a n $acvg; vgremove $acvg; had2nuke=1 done dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=10 if [ $had2nuke -eq 1 ] ; then reboot won't work anyway cause no userful binaries to cause a reboot are installed yet...sigh fi ]]> </source> </script> </pre-scripts>