you should read the description of "create_update_source" on That should lead you to an add-on that you can add during a manual installation (try that first before you try to use it in autoyast, so you can be sure your add-on is okay). Use the create_update_source script that is delivered with SLES11/openSUSE11.1
Ok I am givin that a try thanks for the links. Here is what i get now. hpci6002:# dist/ hpci6002:# mkdir -p dist/updates/suse/ppc64 hpci6002:# cp *.rpm dist/updates/suse/ppc64/ hpci6002:# cd dist/updates/suse/ hpci6002:# create_package_descr -x setup/descr/EXTRA_PROV hpci6002:# cd setup/descr hpci6002:# ls > directory.yast hpci6002:# cd ../../.. hpci6002:# create_sha1sums -x -n . The "create_sh1sums" command modified my content file and now it looks like this: hpci6002:# cat content BASEARCHS ppc64 DATADIR suse DESCRDIR suse/setup/descr LABEL MY Software META SHA1 b13be3f545d68149e5cd9258ceb48dbc5edb627f packages META SHA1 41b1460da2116281f4bc63de26563210ff47c036 packages.DU META SHA1 118debabb5e3875c6d04ac6efb05627828dcf95a packages.en Now when i go add my software repository I on my sles 11 box I get this message: ' '-o-' '/var/cache/zypp/solv/My_software' /var/cache/zypp/raw/My_Software' repo_content 'content' incomplete, no product solvable created! I take it that means there is something wrong with my content file above. Any ideas as to what I am missing?
Then you should read:
"No repository index in content file"
hm. I have never seen that.
Read through the blog entry Thanks. Once I get this working I will probably use the easy option which is to add something like this to my auto yast: <add-on> <add_on_products config:type="list"> <listentry> <media_url></media_url> <product>SuSE-Linux-Updates</product> <product_dir>/</product_dir> <name>MyUpdates</name> </listentry> </add_on_products> </add-on> Thanks Rene -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: